Ensure your child always wears their school ID card.
Regularly review and sign any remarks in the school diary.
Attend PTA meetings to discuss your child's performance. |
Ensure your child brings the necessary books and notebooks according to the
timetable. |
Encourage your child to do their homework independently, providing guidance only
when necessary. |
Motivate and support your child by establishing a proper study area at home. |
Prioritize homework in the daily schedule and communicate with teachers if it isn't
completed on time. |
Encourage reading and playing games over watching TV. |
Do not accompany your child to the classroom; collect them from the school gate.
Arrange meetings with teachers through prior permission from the principal or
academic in-charge. |
Ensure your child does not bring objectionable materials to school. |
Refrain from sending lunch boxes or notebooks during school hours. |
Ensure uniforms are clean, properly fitting, and meet the school's dress code. |
Inform the school of any changes in address or contact information. |
Provide a fruit every day for junior classes' fruit break. |
Do not give your child a mobile phone; it will be confiscated if found. |
Monitor your child's internet use and encourage balanced interests in studies and
activities. |
Avoid criticizing teachers in front of your child to maintain respect. |
Regulate your child's diet and sleeping hours, avoiding junk food. |
Acknowledge all school communications in the provided sections of the almanac. |
Use the "Leave Record" form in the diary for any leave or absence. |