Rules and Regulation

Where Global Citizens are Made
Meenakshi Ammal

Rules and Regulations

For Parents
Ensure your child always wears their school ID card. Regularly review and sign any remarks in the school diary.
Attend PTA meetings to discuss your child's performance. Ensure your child brings the necessary books and notebooks according to the timetable.
Encourage your child to do their homework independently, providing guidance only when necessary. Motivate and support your child by establishing a proper study area at home.
Prioritize homework in the daily schedule and communicate with teachers if it isn't completed on time. Encourage reading and playing games over watching TV.
Do not accompany your child to the classroom; collect them from the school gate. Arrange meetings with teachers through prior permission from the principal or academic in-charge.
Ensure your child does not bring objectionable materials to school. Refrain from sending lunch boxes or notebooks during school hours.
Ensure uniforms are clean, properly fitting, and meet the school's dress code. Inform the school of any changes in address or contact information.
Provide a fruit every day for junior classes' fruit break. Do not give your child a mobile phone; it will be confiscated if found.
Monitor your child's internet use and encourage balanced interests in studies and activities. Avoid criticizing teachers in front of your child to maintain respect.
Regulate your child's diet and sleeping hours, avoiding junk food. Acknowledge all school communications in the provided sections of the almanac.
Use the "Leave Record" form in the diary for any leave or absence.

For Students
Respect school property; damages must be compensated as per the principal's discretion.
Academic dishonesty or malpractice during exams will result in suspension from school.