
Global Vision, Local Impact


The labs cater to the needs of the students studying in respective departments, are equipped with latest machinery/ equipment/instruments. Our laboratories completely with the International standard which helps the students to be well conversant with the various instruments. By handling the most sophisticated equipments, the students build up a high confidence level, which benefits them in the long run.


A good collection of books and journals (Indian and Foreign) on each and every discipline offered is a standing testimony for it. In addition, reference books, periodicals, magazines, the back volumes, thesis reports, etc are also available. The operations of the library are computerized. Book bank facilities are also available for economically backward students such as SC/ST students under government aided schemes.


A healthy mind in a healthy body is a well-worn maxim. This is particularly applicable to todays children fascinated as they are by an array of computer games and surfing the Net. Our young athletes hone their skills at individual track-and-field events such as the sprints and jumps and the throws, including shot put, discus and javelin. Participation in indoor games such as carrom and chess is encouraged.

Health Center

A community health service is committed to improving the health of its community. Health is broadly defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not simply the absence of disease or infirmity. To achieve good health community health services strongly emphasise prevention, early intervention, rehabilitation and education, in addition to direct care.


The transport system is far more better than in comparison with other networks as we have a 24/7 available service of buses which connects the candidates to the nearest city or town. There are regular efforts to increase the various modes of transportation for the students. he transport system is far more better than in comparison with other networks as we have a 24/7 available service of buses which connects the candidates to the nearest city or town.